Wednesday 26 September 2007

Moving House

I have decided to stop harking on about the TPBW.. It was boring me.. and I daresay boring anyone who strayed past this measly blog spot. As this is mostly for my own benefit by way of therapy I shall not apologise for my laxness in covering the traumatic events of the last few months. Save to say that an offer on the house was accepted at the end of June and there has been it seems very little progress with the whole process until the last week or so. The TPBW has moved back into the house (as a lodger) until the sale goes through. which in itself has been terribly stressful for the kids and me. Apparently it has also been stressful for him.. But frankly that is not my problem. He wanted out.. so if he can't stand the heat....... At least he can rent somewhere.. Just do long as he keeps out of my kitchen!

Moving house must be one of the most stressful things known to man (or woman) and this move has been made more so by the unwelcome return of the TPBW into the household. Coupled with the whole going through a divorce thing, daughter number 2 starting a new school and wonderful boyfriend's mother being diagnosed as terminally ill.. Is it any wonder that my blood pressure is high at the moment?

I have manage to wean myself off medication for the madness. This is thanks mainly to the wonderful boyfriend's help love and support. It is actually now quite nice to be able to feel things again, rather than have everything kind of lukewarm dull. I do still have moments of anxiety and feeling down, but they are becoming less and less and I have managed to find a sense of humour that I truly thought I had lost for a while.

Well progress is as progress does.. I am still waiting for an exchange of contracts on the sale and purchase. The buyers solicitors seem to want to know the inside leg of the hen's teeth that they have been extracting slowly for the last couple of months! Finally my solicitor tells me we are ready to talk about exchanging the wretched things. This for me is good news as it means we can work towards possibly completing and moving into the new house around about half term time from school. That would give me some extra hands on the day, namely the kids who I can work like Trojans and it means that there is not the confusion for them about which house to return to after school on the day. The other rather thrilling thing for me, is that I will finally (at least physically) be shot of the TPBW and can start to live again all be it on bread and cheese for the first few months!

I can't help but wonder how he will actually manage once he is cut free from my apron strings finally. He has never lived on his own for any length of time and he actually cannot bear his own company... he can't cook , doesn't shop for food, barely irons and cleaning up after himself is .. shall we say foreign to him? Living back in the marital home has not really helped him to learn. He has been eating with us when he is here and I have been doing his laundry (at a charge) If I go out for the day, for he is working from home and it is driving me barking mad!! Then he goes out to Starbucks or Pret so that he can be around people even ones he doesn't actually know. It is quite sad really. I just hope he doesn't get any ideas about regular meals in my new home, or a continuation of the laundry service. I am sure he will con some other mug to do it for him.. He always seems to fall on his feet damn him !

So.. I am keeping everything crossed .. fingers toes and everyone Else's, that this whole process is at an end... and the light at the end of the tunnel I think I see is not just an illusion!

1 comment:

quin browne said...

regular meals????


oh, yes, do let him come by... i'll serve him spit on a shingle.
