Sunday 10 June 2007

Welcome to my world

Having followed my good friend and soul mate on her journey to a new life in the big apple.. I thought I would log my ramblings online to maybe peruse at a later date when the dust has settled.. To remind myself of the anguish pain and heartache that the TPBW has been putting me through these last 6 months and will continue to do I am sure for several more to come.
Sometimes reviewing one's rants can help clarify things in one's mind... (or minds which seems to be the case for me at the moment! )My most precious possession in the world are my marbles... and I seem to have temporarily mislaid them along with self esteem and self belief at times.
I have yet to set up a profile, so I shall indulge myself in believing that someone might be interested in who I am and what I am all about.
I am nearly 45, I am woman, I am blond.
I have two beautiful and much loved teenage children who drive me crazy and bring me great joy in turn.
I live with two large hairy dogs (Mr and Mrs Barker) and a very large apricot Maine coon cat(BFC).
I am lucky enough to have a wonderful supportive and loving boyfriend of a few months.
I am currently still tied in wedlock ( now I know why it is termed wedlock) to the estranged spouse(TPBW) and am just starting divorce proceedings against same.
I presently live in a beautiful house in the middle of England, in a village in the countryside. This house is on the market at the moment and because of the situation with the estranged, said house is being sold to allow me the luxury of my own home with my own front door.


quin browne said...

my bestest mate.... you can do this, if anyone can.

love and kisses to you and my girls.

your voice on the end of a phone always makes my day. and reminds me my next adventure is over there.

Loobell said...

Oh I wish I wish .. Let's adventure together again my friend and let us do it soon. Enjoy your boy.

Therapeutic Ramblings said...

I'm a little late to the game, but that is a promising first post, where is the update?! ;)

Therapeutic Ramblings said...

Evidently there is more, I didn't realize the link I followed went to a particular post and not to the main page....whoops! Carry on, nothing to see here....